Are You A Never Or A Ever? [SGE]

In The School For Good And Evil (SGE), children ate captured to a school with classes for those with Good souls or those with Evil souls. They graduate into fairy tales.

Evers are good guys and Nevers are bad guys. What school would you be in if you existed in this universe? Feel free to test OCs as well. See you in the parting words!

Created by: Jessii The Simp
  1. When you arrived at SGE, how did you feel?
  2. If you were put in the school you thought wrong, you’d..
  3. What school do you think you’d be in?
  4. If you were forced to wait in the Groom Room line, what would you do?
  5. Why do you hate the opposing side?
  6. Chaos or order?
  7. Who is eviler, Rafal or Rhian?
  8. Which character is your favorite?
  9. Which character group is the best?
  10. Fate..

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Quiz topic: Am I A Never Or A Ever? [SGE]
