Are you a Minecraft noob or pro?

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Have you ever wonder how awesome you are in Minecraft? There are 2 kids of people in the world: noobs and pros. Which one are you? This quiz notify what you are like.

Are you aware that Minecraft is a great game? I hope you think so. I think is an outstanding game. The image shows something that I want there to be in minecraft.

Created by: jwziliak
  1. Do you dig straight down?
  2. Do you have armor on?
  3. You are in the nether. You see a hoard of zombie pigmen. What do you do?
  4. How many of your houses are made of dirt?
  5. Do redstone tools exist?
  6. Do you mine diamonds with a stone pickaxe?
  7. Is there any way to get a mob spawner?
  8. Do you fight the wither in your base?
  9. Do you light up your house?
  10. Can you mlg water bucket?
  11. Do you step on the pressure plate in a desert temple?
  12. Do you attack iron golems?
  13. Do you eat raw chicken?
  14. You are battling the ender dragon. Do you use a bow do get rid of the end crystals or do you punch them?
  15. Can you put water in the nether?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Minecraft noob or pro?
