Are you a Jesus Freak?

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This is a quiz that will show you if you are a true Jesus Freak! It may not be 100% correct or fit into your situation,but I tried my best and did it with Jesus' help!

If you got a low percentage ive added in a prayer to say (if you want). Our website for all the South African peeps is [no urls] we accept everyone and anyone! Remember JESUS LOVES EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOU!!!!!

Created by: Jordyn of Our Church in South Africa, we accept
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you know Jesus?
  2. Is Jesus Christ your God?
  3. Do you want to tell people about Jesus?
  4. Would/Do you stand up for the gospel?
  5. Would you die sharing the Gospel?
  6. Would you celebrate while you are being persecuted?
  7. Do you pray to the Trinity (God,Jesus,Holy Spirit) every day?
  8. Do you pray and do miracles through Jesus and in His name? (in public)
  9. Do you pray and do miracles through Jesus and in His name? (in public)
  10. Lastly,do you serve any Gods except for Jesus,if so who?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Jesus Freak?
