Are You a Good Flyer?

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Hi! I'm Dangerous Rose, and this is a quiz to test your flying ability. That means flying safety, and also the will to soar in the skies, as well as anything else!

Whether you thing it's about flying a plane or spreading a pair of wings out and flapping, this quiz will tell you if you have what it takes to make it up in the heavens!

Created by: Dangerous Rose
  1. First and foremost: Are you afraid of heights?
  2. Do you know air science and weather science well?
  3. Have you ever dreamt about the sky or flying?
  4. Have you ever flown in a plane or helicopter before?
  5. Which of the below is your favorite?
  6. Are you aware of the dangers of flight?
  7. Which weather do you prefer?
  8. Do you want to fly?
  9. Is being a pilot your preferred profession?
  10. Do you like birds?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Flyer?
