Are you a beauty or brains?

Welcome to my quiz! My inspiration for this is because I tried to find a quiz exactly like this but I couldn't so I made it! This is my honest opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone so if you get offended, just leave and don't make a big mess out of it in the comments

So yeah that's basically the important parts so you can just move on and play! Try getting your siblings or friends to play it for my sake! Oh and have a good day!

Created by: Cookie Anna
  1. Do you have a skincare routine?
  2. Do you get glances and looks from other people?
  3. What grades do you commonly get?
  4. Do you have long hair or short hair?
  5. Are you a teacher's pet?
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. Which accessories do you wear?
  8. Are you a tomboy or girly girl?
  9. How much do you weigh?
  10. What's your favorite color?
  11. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  12. How many friends do you have?
  13. How many close friends do you have?

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Quiz topic: Am I a beauty or brains?
