Alpha and Omega: Which wolf are you?

You are here because you are wondering what alpha and omega wolf you are if you, if this gets a lot of support I’ll make another quiz. THX. Enjoy. I’m just gonna leave now.

You can get Kate, Humphrey, Garth, lily, Wilson, and Tony. You might get a result you want or don’t want it’s up to you to make the choices you need god luck to get the one you want.

Created by: Mason
  1. Gender?
  2. You gain weight by...
  3. Which wolf do you want to be?
  4. You are strong.
  5. You are weak (no offense)
  6. A wolf is on your territory.
  7. How is this quiz? (rate fairly)
  8. You are what type?
  9. I will give up quickly?
  10. I have taken this quiz before?

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Quiz topic: Alpha and Omega: Which wolf am I?
