Whose Your MHA Soulmate?

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If you're seeing this, you're probably a fan of the show, My Hero Academia. Just keep in mind this is completely my opinion and am no expert about this show.

If you know me, you obviously know I'm lazy, so there are three possible answers for this quiz. Izuku Mydoria, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki. Enjoy!

Created by: Tiffani Morris
  1. What is your ideal first date?
  2. What's your favorite color
  3. Pick your dream vacation spot
  4. How would you describe your style in one word?
  5. Are you left or right-brained?
  6. Are you a introvert or an extrovert?
  7. What is the biggest problem in the world right now?
  8. What type of person are you?
  9. What's the biggest challenge in your life right now?
  10. Finally, which character do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Whose my MHA Soulmate?
