Who's Your MHA Soulmate?

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This quiz is about who will likely be your soulmate! This also has 8 characters you will be chosen for but it would tell you at the end and anyway enjoy!

This quiz is related to an Anime called MY HERO ACADEMIA or for short MHA or BNHA (boko no hero academia) And for the discerption of the characters I've made some of it up :) ENJOY!

Created by: nat
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Who's your overall favorite?
  3. What's your favorite thing to do while your free?
  4. Do you like people taller then you?
  5. What's your favorite music?
  6. What's your favorite thing about someone?
  7. Who's your favorite Pro-Hero?
  8. What's your personality?
  9. What has hurt you the most?
  10. What's your favorite hobby?

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Quiz topic: Who's my MHA Soulmate?
