Which Girl Type are You?

There are many kinds of girls, which of the main three are you? You will soon find out in this quiz of random questions. If you get them within your range, you'll be the ideal girl that you are.

Are you a sporty girl, girly girl, or tom boy? Find out in this quiz. These random questions will screen you as a sporty girl, girly girl, or tom boy. Enjoy!

Created by: HORSEcrackers
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see someone who needs your help because they've fallen... you
  2. You only worry about your nails and your
  3. What's your dream man?
  4. What's your dream house?
  5. You love to
  6. As a teen you,
  7. You're the eldest of
  8. You know you're a normal girl
  9. Your favorite music style
  10. Your style is

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Quiz topic: Which Girl Type am I?