Which Cal Western Professor are You? (Section 1)

The (Unoffical) Cal Western "Which Professor are You?" Test. Put yourself to the test and find out which Cal Western Professor you most resemble. (This quiz requires that I type a certain amount of crap in this in this box, but since I can't think of anything cool to say, I guess I'll just take up space by typing this.)

This test is for 1L's in Section 2. (This quiz requires that I type a certain amount of crap in this in this box, but since I can't think of anything cool to say, I guess I'll just take up space by typing this.)

Created by: Joe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At a party, which of the following are you most likely to be heard saying?
  2. Which celebrity do you most resemble?
  3. If you were a Ninja Turtle character, which of the following would you be?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. A guy starts talking smack to you at a bar. Which of the following are you most likely to do?
  6. When I talk to others, I tend to do which of the following?
  7. Which of the following best describes your sense of style?
  8. Which of the following is your car of choice?
  9. Which of the following would you rather be doing.
  10. Which of the following organizations would you rather intern for?

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Quiz topic: Which Cal Western Professor am I? (Section 1)