What Type of Environmentalist Are You?

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Are you interested in environmentalism, but not sure which direction to go? This quiz can help guide you in making a decision, or at least give you new ideas!

Please remember that this quiz is only meant for fun and should not be taken as a serious guide on what you should do. If you want, take it multiple times to see the different results!

Created by: Cassidy of EcoNow
(your link here more info)
  1. Where would you most like to vacation?
  2. How would you like to spend your free time?
  3. Do you prefer spending your time indoors or outdoors?
  4. Which quote do you like the best?
  5. If you had to pick one, which of these describes you the most?
  6. Do you like working alone or in a group?
  7. Would you rather have...
  8. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  9. Which drink is your favorite?
  10. Do you tend to bring your work home?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Environmentalist am I?
