What other POOL character are you most like.?

Do you ABSOLUTELY ADORE with all your being the soon to be HIT plays of our lives.? are you dying to know what character your most like because they are all so cool? Of course you are!

TAKE THE QUIZ. TAKE THE QUIZ. Particularly if you know us, or are a guy! YOU LOVE US YOU LOVE US YOU KNOW YOU DO!! (: Quiz by Molly & Holly. Created by Holly, Shea, & Hannah. Written by Hannah & Holly. A lil bit by Molly. P.S. WE <3 RYAN!

Created by: Svetlana
  1. What do you consider to be your best quality.?
  2. What dance move are you most likely to do.?
  3. How old is your crush.?
  4. What part would you want in High School Musical.? (If you were/are a guy)
  5. How would you ask someone out.?
  6. How old are you.?
  7. What am I most likely to say.?
  8. Who would you hate.?
  9. Who would you love.?
  10. What is your favorite part about doing theatre.?

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Quiz topic: What other POOL character am I most like.?