What kind of retard are you?

There are many dumb people, but few true tards. Retard is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a retard? A retard is someone who has an extraordinarily stupid mind, is unable to solve complex problems, and see the world through an entirely comic book point of view.

Are YOU a retard? Do you have the nonexistant brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Master Retard
  1. Is The moon REALLY made out of cheese?
  2. When you take a bath.. and you fart in the tub, do you bite the bubbles?
  3. What color is transparent?
  4. What color is transparent?
  5. Does your belly button collect lint?
  6. WHAT?
  7. What is the square root of this question's number?
  8. Are you as bright as Alaska in the middle if Winter?
  9. Do you eat at Alpo Bell?
  10. Are you as happy as a retard in a room full of bouncy balls?

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Quiz topic: What kind of retard am I?