What Human are you?

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There are a TON of people in the world. It's crazy that a lot of us share similar personalities, likes, interests, etc. What we need to do is recognize how special and unique we are.

Are you someone? Are you always trying to prove to the social networks that you're something or someone different by taking stupid quizzes? Then take this quiz to prove to everyone just how much of yourself you are!

Created by: mike

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What candy is your favorite?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is the highest level of school you have completed?
  4. How many "who are you" quizzes have you taken?
  5. If someone came up to you and asked for a hug you would:
  6. Out of all the "Who are you" quizzes which "you" is your favorite?
  7. If you were to choose one word to describe yourself it would be:
  8. On a scale from 1-10 how lame do you think "who are you" quizzes are?
  9. If a train leaving Cairo at 4:32pm is traveling at a 80mph. Another train leaving Perth at 2:45am is traveling towards the other train at 54mph, what time would they meet if the distance was 6,995 miles apart?
  10. If you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce do they taste much more like prunes or rhubarb?
  11. how many questions does it take to figure out who I am!!!!???
  12. When was the battle of waterloo and Who won?
  13. When I grow up I want to be
  14. When you fill out the "who are you" quizzes, do you really wish you were that person/character? or do you just identify with their personality and long for their good looks?

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Quiz topic: What Human am I?