What classes should you take in highschool?

Welcome... This is my quiz that will (hopefully) help you on deciding what options to take in high school. I know what your thinking, it's one of those crappy quizzes with so obvious answers you can tell the results from the first question! No worries...this quiz is different than those. This will this quiz was tested with pretty accurate results. It includes 6 results. And there isn't any obvious answers. (although it's not THAT deep)

Choosing options in high school can be a real chore. It will affect your whole year and even your career. A lot of people will just take what their friends are taking. DON'T! You should always take the class that suits YOU. Of course it's not always as easy as it sounds. So if you are really have no clue what class suits you. You've come to the right place. This quiz takes your answers on real life situations and matches it with the best result! Have fun quizzing!!

Created by: Sock
  1. You favorite main subject is...
  2. Usually your homework is...
  3. Your writing is...
  4. A girl drops all her books in the halls, you...
  5. In class when you finished your work, you are usually...
  6. How would you describe yourself?
  7. In class your are the...
  8. You take great interest in the arts
  9. You take great interest in helping people...
  10. What do you do in the weekends?
  11. What would you buy for someone's birthday?
  12. Do you believe in god?
  13. What is your favorite color (cliche, I know)

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Quiz topic: What classes should I take in highschool?