The Stupid Test

This is the almost ultimite test of stupidness, if you fail, which most people will do, then you'll never pass the second half of the "Are you Stupid" quiz.

Do you think you're stupid, well put it up to the test with my cool quiz that tests how stupid you really are, if you fail, then you'll never pass the beter quiz comming soon!

Created by: Jordyn
  1. How Many Extinct Species Are There?
  2. Cats Are Members Of The Family..
  3. Which Element is the best?
  4. How big was the big bang?
  5. How tall is the Missouri Arch?
  6. What was the hardest number to create?
  8. do you know the lasttime we had a war?
  9. When Did You Lose Your Mind
  10. ljkdsvnadkljh What is this?

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