The goof-o-meter quiz

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This quiz tests your goofiness. Is goofiness in you? Take this quiz to see. ........

Are you goofy? Are you non goofy? Does the goofball factor seem to small because everyone is called that? Do you need to be scaled? TAKE THIS QUIZ!!!!

Created by: Angel Howard
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you giggle at odd times?
  2. Do you like pranks?
  3. Do you like making funny faces?
  4. Do you constantly grin?
  5. Are you ever In a mood other than goofy?
  6. Do you often pull over the top or random pranks?
  7. Are you a brainiac?
  8. Do you like to act silly for laughs
  9. Does the idea of bringing water balloons to school make you squirm?
  10. Is this quiz easy?

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