How much of a goof are you?

There's lots of goofy peeps out there, but you might just bbbeeee one! Take this to find out! Tell all your friends!!!!!!!!!!!Just take it!!! If you think you know me ask me at school "does the banana like oranges" I'll respond "yeah babe!"

Are you a goof? Are you sure? Positive? Take this to find out! Are you a complete goof? Do your friends always say your too serious-prove them wrong!

Created by: Ad
  1. When you see people how do you greet them
  2. When someone makes a totally non-funny joke do you...
  3. When someone makes a totally non-funny joke do you...
  4. You fall... Do you...
  5. You get in a fight witha mime... You...
  6. You get to pick you're birthday present you...
  7. Your favourite item
  8. Your favorite sport
  9. Your favorite time passer
  10. You hafta be less goofy because you're teachers yellin at you

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Quiz topic: How much of a goof am I?