The Aperture Application Assesment

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What does it mean to fight? It means to be a warrior. Though, there are many warriors, and many kinds, you can be only one kind, and this Assessment shall show you!

The clever and the fast, as well as the strong will be tested. At first, you will laugh, then, you will see the real questions. So, kind sir or ma'am, what warrior are you?

Created by: Kyle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A vault dweller notes the facility has no door. What do you say?
  2. A girl with a broken leg seems to have crawled to you! She asks for help, what do you do?
  3. Oh my! It seems you have been mutated! What mutation is it?
  4. It seems you have given the chance to rule over a planet! What planet is it?
  5. I wanna...
  6. What are you?
  7. What is your preferred weapon?
  8. What is your preferred weapon?
  9. Do you prefer...
  10. What mental state are you?

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