Warriors COMBO QUIZ (Do it to find out what it means!)

This is a mixed quiz. I will not tell you what mixed means. You will have to figure that out all by yourself. So, here's a warning. This is based on the Warriors series, but the characters in here will NOT be found in any of the Warrior books.

The name Sunshadow I have borrowed from one of the Warrior books. You can have fun figuring out which one it is. That's my little challenge for you. My clue is that it's found most likely in Dawn of the Clans. Anyways, have fun taking my quiz!!!

Created by: Mistyflower
  1. You blink a couple of times, and your vision clears. "Greetings, young one. I am your mother, Featherstorm." Your mother licks you. "The other kits have been so excited! You should go visit them now! I'm sure they would all love to meet you." Your reaction is...
  2. You yawn and stretch, then you turn around and get up. You see a group of rowdy-looking kits, all of them toms except for an unbelievably pretty-looking she-kit. The first one to notice you is a brown tabby tom. "Hi! I'm Thornkit! How are you?" "Good." You respond quickly. The yellow kit introduces himself as Sunkit and the dark blue as Hawkkit, but only because Thornkit insists. The final one is Ripplekit. You scan them. Sunkit looks annoyed that you interrupted. Hawkclaw looks impatient. Thornkit looks friendly. Ripplekit shows no emotions. The she-kit come forth. "I'm Rosekit. Named after my beauty, my mother says." You...
  3. Hawkkit breaks the silence. "Come on, let's stop staring at this stupid kit and play something already." Sunkit is the first to agree. "Yeah, come ON!" The others slowly follow and so do you. Ripplekit proposes to a game of moss ball, but Rosekit ignores him and announces that they're playing MoonClan Invasion. You remain silent. Thornkit asks her if you can be the leader. You flush with pleasure. Rosekit shoves him away and declares herself the leader of SunClan. You don't say anything. The scene of _____ is replaying in your mind. (Fill the blank)
  4. The game is fun, but only because of ________. Rosekit chooses you to be an enemy cat. Hawkkit and Sunkit keep attacking you instead of Thornkit, who's also an enemy cat. Ripplekit keeps shouting out cruel-sounding orders. Hawkkit and Sunkit are actually quite strong, and you're immediately pinned. You feel...
  5. Okay, enough about your kit days. It's finally time for some apprentice-making! Hawkpaw looks proud, Sunpaw looks determined, Rosepaw looks almost as if she's saying 'you'll never catch up to me' to you, Thornpaw looks nervous and happy and Ripplepaw looks even more nervous. During our time elapse, a new cat arrived: Snowy the kittypet. Harmonystar had allowed Snowy to stay, by the name of Icekit. This was his ceremony as well. Icepaw looked surprised but happy and proud at the same time. You cheer loudest for...
  6. Finally, you're an apprentice! It's been one moon since everyone else's ceremonies. Your mentor is Owlclaw, a plain brown warrior. He tells you to quickly adjust. Training will begin tomorrow. You eagerly choose the nest next to *______* 's. From now on, *_______* will symbolize the cat you like. If you don't know yet, don't worry. There's still one more cat to come..!
  7. You have finally begun your training! Today, you are learning to fight. Hawkpaw will be fighting with you. You feel nervous. At first, he easily defeats you, but you start memorizing his moves, and soon, you can almost win. Hawkpaw looks shocked. His mentor looks -- disgusted? "Good job, " you say to him. He gives you a cold look, but as he passes by, you could've sworn his pelt was brushing yours. You feel...
  8. The next day, you learn to track with Icepaw and Rosepaw. You pick up many prey scents, and the scent of the nearby river that marks the border, but you also smell something -- unusual. Rogues. Before you know it, there's a large black tom on you. You hiss and try to break free, but he's too heavy. You gasp for air as he scratches your throat. You only managed to say one word, ________ (Probably your crush, just saying)
  9. You wake up in the medicine den, surprised to see Sunpaw next to you, with a large slash in his flank. He opens his eyes and looks at you. "Thanks for making a bunch of girly whines. Those certainly helped us locate your position. You had no idea how hard it was to get that piece of fox-dung off of you. You need to train more."
  10. You get used to receiving visitors and to only be able to help out around camp. Talking is difficult. "Hello." It's Icepaw. "Hi." His sleek white fur shines in the afternoon sun and his kind blue eyes twinkle. "Do you want to do some hunting with me? I know you have wounds, but, exercise can help you recover, plus, your ceremony is in three moons" Yes, a lot of time has passed. Before you can respond, Thornpaw bounds over. "Hi!! Can I come hunting with you?" "We still need someone to help do the ticks," Hawkpaw reminds them. Your choice on who to take. PS Hawkpaw doesn't have anything to do, he just doesn't want to offer cuz that's embarrassing.
  11. No matter who you chose, the elders ask you to help them pick their ticks. Icepaw walks away, looking slightly droopy. Hawkpaw -- well, you could've sworn he was looking at you. Thornpaw offers to help you, but you turn him down. You realize how much they've all grown. Icepelt was no longer the fluffy little kittypet that came here. He was now a handsome young tom who was to be made a warrior in two moons. Hawkpaw was no longer the snooty little kit you'd known. He was now a proud apprentice, soon to be a warrior. Thornpaw wasn't that friendly kit anymore. He was still kind, but his looks had developed greatly, and you could already tell there were she-cats who liked him. Sunpaw wasn't the kit who loved to make fun of you any longer. He was a handsome, strong fighter. Ripplepaw was the gentle and smart cat he'd always been, but he was much cuter now. Although all of them seemed wonderful, you know that in your heart, you like *_________* the most.
  12. One day, after you've healed, you see Sunshadow, Icepelt and Hawkclaw running into camp. They all have severe wounds and are gasping. A rogue follows them. The black rogue. The rogue apologizes for his strange entry and for the wounds and bloodloss he has caused. He asks if he can join us. Harmonystar agrees. You feel slightly uneasy, but that changes as soon as he pads over to you. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. How are you feeling?" He gently licks the wound he gave you. You...
  13. No matter what you picked, you stay still+silent. After a few licks, he walks away, only after a request for you to help improve his skills. You gently turn him down. You have to complete your final assessment. You pass it but just barely. Your thoughts are focused on ________
  14. This is an interview question. It will be most effective. Icepelt. You bump into Icepelt while tracking. You are a warrior now, yes. "Oh! Sorry!" You blush a little. "It's alright. Everyone loses themselves sometimes." He responds. "Also... Can we have a talk about ... something? In private?" He asks. "Sure!" I bet you can imagine what he asks you next. "Um, I was wondering... I'm sorry about this. I just really like you. I know it's... wrong."
  15. This is another interview question. Hawkclaw. "Hey," You say to him, bringing your piece of fresh kill over to him. "Have some!" "Hi. Thanks for bringing that over... That's really nice of you." You look at him in amazement. He blushes and quickly ducks down to take a bite. How do you feel?
  16. Another interview question. Sunshadow. You are battle-training with him. You accidentally wound him. He winces but tells you that it's okay. You frown. It's not like him to not hiss at you about keeping your claws sheathed. After a while, he accidentally wounds you. "Oh! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" He asks with an unusual amount of concern. "Yeah, of course! It's just a scratch..." He nods, clearly embarrassed. You feel...
  17. Yet another interview question, just like you expected, I hope. Ripplenose. It's sundown. The moon is bright and round in the air. You feel brokenhearted that you weren't chosen to go to the Gathering. Maybe you aren't skilled enough or pretty enough. Why does Roseheart always get to go? Ripplenose walks up to you. "Don't worry. Every cat has times when they feel as if they don't belong. Every cat has that one or two Gatherings where they can't attend." He presses close to you. You...
  18. Interview question. Again. Shadowclaw. Your mentor, Owlclaw, is dying from greencough, like many other cats. Owlclaw had taught you everything. The last thing you want is for him to die. But now, here he is. Lying limply at your paws. You turn away from him and walk straight to your den and you curl up on your nest. Shadowclaw pads over to you and rests his tail on top of you. "Thanks.." You mutter. "Thank YOU for accepting me..." You feel..
  19. Thornleaf's interview question. We're almost done. Thornleaf is sleeping next to you. You know that he's only asleep because he doesn't want to watch any more cats die. you know that you're only here because you don't want to watch any more cats die, either, and because Thornleaf makes you feel...
  20. Now, we must let fate decide... Let fate decide your fate... Yes... Very interesting... This last question shall affect your final response the most, and you must pay great attention to the possible answers...

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