Test Your Inner Human Calculator!

There are a lot of math enthusiast out there, like Scott Flansburg, the world's fastest human calculator, and other math child geniuses, even some are prodigies.

Are YOU a math genius? Does your inner human calculator have enough power for that title? Take this hard math quiz to test your math calculation speed!

Created by: IamVan
  1. 756x25+125*24=?
  2. What is the square root of 334,084?
  3. What is 119 squared?
  4. 8,354+85,247+962,157+52,196=?
  5. How many minutes are there in the month of July?
  6. What is the cube root of 5,177,717?
  7. What day of the week is May 12, 1945? (Sorry for my bad English.)
  8. 3.87+7245.789+45.8+256.21=?
  9. 8,574,275/25=?
  10. The final question: What is the 5th root of 4,968,474,429,851,806,268,590,625?

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Quiz topic: Test my Inner Human Calculator!