Republican or Democrat? | Comments

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  • Hey Joe S.

    When you get a job, why don't you give 1/3 of your pay (every payday), after taxes to someone on welfare on top of the taxes taken out. Better yet, when you make a 95 on one of your tests, and little Johnny makes a 45, you should give him 10-20 points of your grade, to help him out. You see, once you enable someone to sit on their butt and collect a check or not even bother to work for what they receive, they'll sit forever waiting on a hand out. You're clueless as to how "the system" works. The Democratic party is not what is used to be. But, you wouldn't know that, your 13 and have been brain washed into believing they way you do. Get a clue kid, try think for yourself.

  • Democrat. YES!!!! I'm only 13 but I am profoundly into politics

    Joe S
  • My result was Democrat. Unfortunately, your quiz needed more options, such as Libertarian (socially Democrat, financially Republican) and Constitutionalists. My quiz, Political Party Quiz, is a little better. It gives background information on a variety of political parties, and the questions are more specific. ~Bryan Fotino

  • I don't understand why everyone can be a Constitutionalist. The Constitution was put in place that ALL men and women (thanks to a couple amendments) have the SAME rights. The problem is one party, insert your opposition here, wants to control your lives through health care, government regulation and taxation.

    Republicans have been labeled as racists when THEY were the ones to stand up against the DEMOCRAT South in the Civil War. THEY were the ones to stand up against the DEMOCRATS, including Al Gore's dad, and passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    Just because Republicans do not agree with the "soft bigotry of lower expectations", as Democrats do, does NOT mean they are racist.

    • Overtaxed yes the republicans may have been anti racist back MORE THAN 100 YEARS AGO but both parties have changed. When you posted that back in 2013 it's not the 19th century anymore get over yourself bro

  • I got republican and I am niether.. I'm actually independent. :) but cool quiz!!

  • Democrat yay

  • Democrat all the way!

    I think the only reason I'm not completely democrat is because I'm against regulating businesses.

    And @NICKSTL, I completely agree. I'm religious, but i HATE people who interpret the bible to support their pov.

  • I'm just like Chloe. I lean left socially but lean slightly to the right fiscally. As for the result, I got democrat, but I think I'm more moderate than anything.

  • 100% Republican!!!

  • Republican fiscally, Democrat socially. :)

    We all have different beliefs. Respect different POVs.

    And to whatbushsaid, name one reason black people and gay people should be discriminated against? Got any yet? I didn't think so.

  • And in response to your statements "religion was created to control the masses" and "a lot of the bible is a bunch of bs", there is a substantial amount of proof that the bible is valid. For one, the bible was written by more than 40 authors from different walks of life. Some of these people were peasants, fishermen, and poets. It is illogical that 40 people from different times and walks of life would conspire to create a manuscript that "controls the masses".

    Secondly in response to "a lot of the bible is a bunch of bs", there has not been a single prophecy told in the bible to be proven false. Also, Jesus' disciples staked their lives on the bible's truth. They were killed in the most hostile way while projecting their faith in Jesus. If they thought that Jesus was not the messiah, why would they die for those beliefs?

    • Thank you good friend for explaining this so others don't have to!!!!

    • shut up bro

  • Nickstl, it is hardly a disputed fact that the bible has been accurately preserved over the years. Over 24,000 manuscript copies of the bible have been discovered, making it possible to entirely reconstruct the bible accurately. However, to take Homer's "The Iliad" as legitimate, only around 650 copies have been found. Also, you are correct about in your statement that religious people should not judge. The bible specifically states in many verses that judging is left to God and not to men.

  • religion was created to control the masses. im not saying there is no god. religious fanatics are so quick to judge and pick and choose parts of the bible to conform to their personal opinions. a lot of the bible is a bunch of bs written by man and changed multiple times over the'll get into heaven by being a decent human being and stop judging everyone and stop hiding behind bits and pieces of the bible to support your prejudice. and that's the truth.

  • religion was created to control the masses. im not saying there is no god. religious fanatics are so quick to judge and pick and choose parts of the bible to conform to their personal opinions. a lot of the bible is a bunch of bs written by man and changed multiple times over the'll get into heaven by being a decent human being and stop judging everyone and stop hiding behind bits and pieces of the bible to support your prejudice. and that's the truth.

  • Republicans' are not racist we just believe in hard work and that we don't need the government to hand lazy people money! We are religious/Christian because we want to go to heaven! It's not bad that we believe in the truth!

  • Democrats > Republicans
    D.E.M. O.C.R.A.T.S

  • Wow people, it is just a test.....we are who we are, please don't try to make something out of nothing!

  • I believe the Republican party is to influenced by religion, and what they feel is "right" then what's "best". I mean seriously, if you are against abortian, then just don't do it. Don't take away that for people who need it. When people say "special circumstances", where do you draw that line? I'm a Catholic and I still believe in this.

  • NO dumbies Republican's are not racist...One of my good friends is black and I love that girl to death she is like my sister...Ok first of all for you people or person who just said quote "NOtice how it is mostly the REPUBLICANS acting immature and is just as immature saying that as the people who are cursing...I think Obama is a negative because really WHAT IS HE DOING TO HELP OUR COUNTRY...all i see him doing is complaining and saying hes going to do something and then not doing it....honestly its not because he is black but its cause the negative things he does as the President of the United States.. REALLY he doesnt like freedom of religion as i have observed his actions towards that subject ...THERE IS LOTS MORE TO EXPRESS BUT I DONT WANT TO GO ON FOR NINE HOURS TYPING ALL THAT SO I AM DONE WRITING AS OF NOW!

  • hiya, what have you been smoking, Im a democrat and im religious, I am a Christian. I agree with famguy, regardless if your demo or rep, what the hell does it matter. I believe in our environment, and it seems all the rep want to do is destroy it, i dont think that is what God would want. thebushsaid> your a disgrace. We are all human beings regardless if were black white yellow or brown. You must not be a christian.

  • Here's what I think about Obama:

    He was very mediocre. I understand that our congress is Republican, therefore he struggled to pass many laws and ideas, but it's called a Check Balance system. If congress would have been Democrat as well as Obama, when Obama says "Jump!" they would all say "How high?", and that's the last thing we need! If it were to be that way, we would be in further debt than we already are! And the whole 'Obama Care' dilemma, pretty much is an example of how much worse our economy would be. I think it's better that congress is one party, and the president is another.

  • I might have rated this quiz higher if the author had checked spelling and grammar in the questions -- and what words were used. On the church and state question, the first choice said, "collision of church and state..." Well, I don't think the author meant "collision", so the question really didn't make much sense.

  • Abortion is necessary in some cases.

  • Can it say i'm Republican if i dislike G.W. Bush and find most republicans mentally retarded?



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