Republican or Democrat? | Comments

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  • Republican 85% I knew it :)

  • 82% Republican. Hell yeah!

  • I'm 89% democrat!! Yeah I knew it!!

  • I think people need to be aware that most of holly wood supports democrats and TV shows and movies try to brain wash you by putting republican parties in a negative light. Try to be aware, can tell the person who made this is democratic.

  • I feel like this test is a bit bias against republicans. Most of these questions revolved around democratic views and the answer choices were mostly for democrats. For example three of the answer choices were more liberal and only one conservative. I am a conservative but I definitely have liberal views. I think in certain situations you should have the right to have an abortion. I am all for gay marriage; people should be able to be happy.

    • Okay I can see your point and respect it

  • hi mike

  • dcdv

  • Hi mike

  • I am a Republican. USA USA USA!!!!

  • this is boring who cares what you are

  • i am republican ha there are more republicans than democrats

  • my dad is extremely republican and always tells me about how democrats are screwing up the economy and how it's the reason why he's been out of a job for 3 years. But I just took the test and got 58% liberal and 50% republican so I guess I'm kind of a mix of both?

  • I'm democrat . I'm sorry if some of you get offended it's just I have very strong opinions and I really dont care if you don't believe it . I live in the south which I hate because most people down here are racist b------s who are afraid of change . I believe in gay marriage and abortion . I believe in immigration . And it annoys the crap out of me when people are ignorant and hateful . I am a proud democrat

  • I'm democrat . I'm sorry if some of you get offended it's just I have very strong opinions and I really dont care if you don't believe it . I live in the south which I hate because most people down here are racist b------s who are afraid of change . I believe in gay marriage and abortion . I believe in immigration . And it annoys the crap out of me when people are ignorant and hateful . I am a proud democrat

  • Personally, I think I am a mix of both. I believe that the government shouldn't control business, but there should be health regulations etc. I believe homosexuality isn't a sin, and it should be treated the same as heterosexual marriage. I do believe religion should be able to be practiced in all schools. America was built upon religion, and I believe that religion actually increased morals which I think in the long run is good for our country. I believe all American shave the right to have a gun. If a country takes over and the military is too weak, how would we defend ourselves? I do think there should be a stronger back round check and licensing process though. I also believe both parties are trying to become polar opposites, and I think that the two parties need to put on their bigboy pants and both work together.

  • I'm neither. Ha.

  • I don't know. I've never really been interested in politics, and some of these just don't have the answer that describes my position. All in all, I think it's a good quiz, I guess.

    The Coldest Sun
  • 87 % Democrat, and happy about it.

    This country definitely needs a change for a prosperous future, and the Republican way might have worked in the past, but is most certainly not now. If the Democrats win back the House in 2014 (I know it is not realistic, because of Gerrymandering (although Illinois and Maryland weren't much better than Ohio or North Carolina, sadly), but one can always hope.), maybe we can start wor hour realignment in a year.

    And to jaycedrummer - I respect your opinion, although would God really want the right of marriage to be kept back of so many of his children? I do not dare to speak in the name of HIM, so do you?

  • We can not survive in this country if we support democratic, liberal ideas.

    God did not make this earth for a man and a man. Just my opinion and abortion is murder. You are killing an innocent fetus of a child that could have prospered on Earth. I'm 77% republican. Although there is one or two democratic ideas I support, republicans all the way. But of course people will not wake up and realize our country is suffering. I apologize if this agitates some viewers. And you'll probably be surprised to know I'm only 14 and I wrote this while sitting in French class. Email me ur opinion. [no emails]

    • Abortion is not murder as there was no one ever born plus I'm bisexual and this country needs to start being progressive cuz every one should have the same equality it doesn't matter if your black, white, female, male or whatever you consider yourself!

  • How can you have a 50 Rep/46 Dem score? Isn't more realistic to score 50/50 if a person answered ALL the questions?

  • Hattie12345 should not have said gay marriage should be allowed. It should be man and woman.

  • I knew I was republican. I was right.

  • wow it said i was republican

    I thought i was democrat probably cause my mom pressures me to be democrat

  • Whoever did this quiz needs to learn how to proof read. There were so many typos. Also some of the answers to the questions seemed to lean left.

  • I hate how people think gay marriage shouldn't be allowed they can't help that they are gay they were born that way and I think abortion should be allowed because if your a teenager and pregnant and your not ready there is no father would you want that baby growing up without a father no especially if the mother can't provide for the baby Go Obama you rock so glad you won the election :)


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