Republican or Democrat? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Republican or Democrat?

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  • Republican, even though i supported all individual liberties over state regulation, thought so.

  • There are some Democratic things I agree with like gay marriage and abortion choice. But Obama truly doesnt care about this country. Hes a liar, he's got socialist ideals and is trying to make the U.S like all the other countrys. Which is unacceptable because we're there united states, we're better and we should not be brought down!

  • There are some Democratic things I agree with like gay marriage and abortion choice. But Obama truly does not care about this country. Hes a liar, he's got socialist ideals and is trying to make the U.S like all the other countrys. Which is unacceptable because we're there united states, we're better and we should not be brought down!

  • democrat. yep, very true.

  • "Look at Beatle Obsessed's comment. Sickening. Obama is a thief and a liar and a Muslim and a Marxist and an illegal alien. Call me racist. I don't care. I LOVED what Overtaxed said. Proof I am not racist. Romney should have won. He wasn't the best choice. Rick Santorum was the best. But Romney wasn't a big liar like Obama and he actually made sense. Cut spending, lower taxes, smart. Don't reward illegal aliens for breaking the law by letting them become a citizen. Global warming is bs, and what bothers me the most is democrats DO believe in letting someone have their baby killed before it is even born, yet they DON'T belive in the possibility of killing horrible criminals. Liberals have the worst logic EVER!!! So, liberals, if you think you are right, THINK AGAIN IDIOTS!!!"

    oh, yeah, OUR ideology is off. says the idiots that want to deny rights to many people, and start wars and ruined the economy, and want a catholic theocracy in america. and what is wrong with obama being a muslim? we have freedom of religion in this country. if I became president, you could not try to impeach me for being Jewish. and, associating obama with communists is like associating hitler with the founding fathers of america.

  • I got 90% democrat. that is good, because I support the democrats. why should the gays be denied the basic civil rights of marriage and other rights being denied to gays? why shouldn't woman be allowed to choose to abort a pregnancy? my mom supports the democrats too, so it is a good thing I support them too. there are 3 things that would make my mother disown me: marrying a non- Jewish girl, becoming a republican, or voting for a republican.

  • I got 86% democrat! During the election i was actually for Romney but after Obama got re-elected i began to question my beliefs because i got interested in politics, i took several quizes and found out i was a liberal democrat! Which is weird cuz i was raised by republicans my whole life and im the only democrat in my entire family! Theyve been giving me HELL over it and are very discriminating. Congratulations President Barack Obama:)

    Pink Liberal
    • Nice I got 78% democrat

  • My result was 84% republican and I think that i was raised by democrats(family) haha I guess it's either change or I dont agree with either parties

  • hey xhiddenscars

    I think you got it all wrong about Obama, He's the one trying to help the struggling poor and middle class. It's the brown nose Repulicans that cant do anything without the approval of the Rich who put them there in the first place.

    So when the Rich say "Jump" the Republicans say "How High".

  • I personally think we should do away with both Republican and Democrate parties as they cause nothing but chaos. we need to be one country under one government under God and then we can focus clearly on how to control this deficit. Just take one vote. (yeah! Step out of the box we have been in for centuries!) That being said I also like to add that the Republicans need to stop bowing down to the rich who put them in office and realize that when the middle class goes down thier going to go down with it. And dont use this bull about the Rich giving people jobs, They have gotten many tax breaks already so "Where's the Jobs?". However, I do hear they are investing out of this country and moving their some of their big fat accounts to these foreign countries also. Listen Rich folk, you need to STOP HOLDING THE REPUBLICANS IN HOSTAGE SO THEY CAN STOP HOLDING THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS IN HOSTAGE. Maybe give up one of your houses, plains or yachts to save your struggling fellow man.

    Rockell NY

  • 90% Republican. :) Being raised on Republican views, this seems very legitimate.

  • Yay democrats!!!!

  • Look at Beatle Obsessed's comment. Sickening. Obama is a thief and a liar and a Muslim and a Marxist and an illegal alien. Call me racist. I don't care. I LOVED what Overtaxed said. Proof I am not racist. Romney should have won. He wasn't the best choice. Rick Santorum was the best. But Romney wasn't a big liar like Obama and he actually made sense. Cut spending, lower taxes, smart. Don't reward illegal aliens for breaking the law by letting them become a citizen. Global warming is bs, and what bothers me the most is democrats DO believe in letting someone have their baby killed before it is even born, yet they DON'T belive in the possibility of killing horrible criminals. Liberals have the worst logic EVER!!! So, liberals, if you think you are right, THINK AGAIN IDIOTS!!!

    Total Ponage
  • I really think I am republican and I got 79% Republican. Woo Hoo!

  • Im 100% republican!!!

  • Gays should ABSOLUTELY be allowed to marry. They are in love, just like a man and woman. Also abortion is up to the mother! Besides, no one has proof one when the baby's life REALLY starts. @ joyed I am atheist, but the Bible should not force you to love someone. My grandmother had to go to another country to marry a woman! Ridiculous. Hooray OBAMA WON

    Beatle Obsessed
    • I'm in the 2022 and I'm glad that Obama won when I was 11 it felt good

  • According to this test I am 76% Democrat ! Which actually surprised me i thought i was more moderate but this quiz somewhat shows that I lean more towards the democrats. LETS GO OBAMA ! We just need four more years to get back to the surplus that we once had !

  • im 83% republican! yes! and to: chloe617, why should christians be descriminated against? gay is wrong but blacks should get rights.

  • im 83% republican! yes! and to: chloe617, why should christians be descriminated against? gay is wrong but blacks should get rights.

  • #15 OF QUIZ - THERE instead of THEIR.

  • 90 Percent dem HAH

  • Okay quiz. 82 percent rep.

  • jmp8: The quiz is entirely based on one's opinions. Just because they don't match your's does not make them any less valid.

  • I got republican. I hate republicans.

  • SHUT UP jmp8! I am slightly younger than that and I have a very firm opinion in politics. What are you going to do about it?! I look up to John Lennon. All about world peace. We need to support the common man AND woman AND child. Democrat all the way!!

    Beatle Obsessed

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