Libertarian ideology test.

This test is supposted to show right-libertarian ideology that is closest to your beliefs or maybe even your ideology if you are right-libertarian/libertarian capitalist.

This test has 10 ideologies that are both anarchist and non anarchist. This test isn't effective if you are not libertarian capitalist or market anarchist.

Created by: Cuba-libek of TWITTER/X
(your link here more info)
  1. What should be role of the state?
  2. What taxes should exist?
  3. Borders
  4. What is better?
  5. Abortion
  6. Welfare
  7. Which is better?
  8. Do you support trade unions?
  9. Education
  10. Healthcare
  11. Are co-ops better than normal bussineses?
  12. Are you nationalist or globalist?
  13. Are you conservative or proggresive?
  14. How should we achieve libertarianism?

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