Goosebump books

This is quiz to see if you know all of the R.L. stine Books and that you've memorized them by mind. So try the quiz and see what you got. Make everything count.

Come'on you can do it, if you can read then you can answer these simple questions. So just get them all right to prove your the champ. Hurry there's no time to lose.

Created by: Stunners
  1. The haunted ______
  2. The BarKing _____
  3. The horror at Camp _______
  4. Return of the ______
  5. Stay out of the _______
  6. Monster _____
  7. The abdominable snowman of _______
  8. how I learned to ______
  9. Say Cheese and _____
  10. The Blob that ate _____

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