Gender Spectrum Quiz | Comments

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  • I think I’m genderfluid I was born as a female also I’m a teenager and I’m not out of the closet yet even though some people already know about how I’m feeling and I hate having bø0bs I really want a flat chest but I can’t get a chest binder I am so confused sometimes I feel like a guy sometimes I feel like a girl sometimes I feel like neither sometimes I feel like both at the same time I’m so confused and I can’t tell my parents because Ik they wouldn’t support :( so I need your guys help how can I get a chest binder about them knowing and how can I get like genderfluid pins and stuff

  • Gender Neutral- 82%
    Female 72%
    Both- 54%
    Male- 38%

    I feel like this is on point. I am a biological male, but I do not generally play sport or watch action movies or play video games. On the other hand I am a literature student and English teacher, watch drama films and like colourful things rather than solid grey colours.

  • I think I'm agender... But again I'm not sure, as i don't want to seem like I'm 'just trying to be special or quirky'

  • I came to the conclusion that I am indeed gender-fluid. I go by She/They They/Them He/They pronouns. It definitely fluctuates occasionally. Surprisingly I have a male gender higher percentage than the female but its based I wear very masc clothing now but overall androgynous style. I like it that way. Im also thinking about buying a binder too, I noticed theres moments where I dont like showing my chest and theres moments where I do. Again its an occasional experience for me.

    • Gender Spectrum Quiz
      Your Result: Both

      You follow both female and male stereotypes. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. This usually means you are fairly even with your femininity and masculinity or you switch between genders freely. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

      Result Breakdown:
      89% Both
      65% Gender neutral
      33% Male Identified
      19% Female Identified

  • i dont like these kinds of quizzes bc they force a gender identity onto ppl. but im not homophobic, actually im lesbian. ur basically telling ppl that they are this just because they like this. im a tomboy but just bc i like sports and not girly things doesnt mean im trans. plz, delete this or at the very least add smth at the end saying that it may be wrong or smth similar to that. u should NEVER say that someone is male, female, nonbinary, etc just because of their opinions and interests. these are the types of things that pressure young kids into feeling like they HAVE to be smth theyre not. but its up to them.

  • I agree with my resut as 90% female. I am transgender male to female and I can say first hand me fully transitioning was the best day of my life. I am extremely feminine now and no regrets on my transition.

  • This was fairly accurate, I currently identify with the label Nonbinary. I've gone back and forth between the labels Nonbinary and Genderfluid. The only thing I feel is off is that I'm trans masc, so the higher fem percentage than masc surprised me.

    KJ or KJuicie
    • My Results Btw:
      Your Result: Both 82%

      You follow both female and male stereotypes. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. This usually means you are fairly even with your femininity and masculinity or you switch between genders freely. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

      34% Gender neutral
      34% Female Identified
      18% Male Identified

      KJ or KJuicie
  • This quiz gave me a good, accurate result... gender neutral.

    • heyyyyyy qibli!!!!!! it's ur future selffffff :)

      uhhh turns out ur trans :)

  • Female Identified 86 %
    Male identified 36 %
    Both 48 %
    Gender Neutral 38 %

    You follow the female stereotype. The majority of female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you. I feel the same as I wrote five months ago. I have had to live behind a life of masks and veils. But even one of my best friends told me that I cannot hide behind a veil forever. This person was right. Maybe I do need to consider getting a makeover and releasing the other part of me out for a while.

  • Gender neutral 88%

    Bro I'm still confused but this is making me feel less fake

    remember lads, gender is boring

  • I'm a sissy

    Trisha pantyhose
  • Male identified,lol I do act like a boy alot more than a girl but I prefer to be called as a girl sense I'm happy with my gender I was born with but cool quiz anyways mate.

  • I know I'm mostly female but i vary from day to day as a butchy emo lesbian to a femme emo lesbian to a femme soft girl kinda lesbian. I don't think I'm gender fluid but I'm not always the cis girl people see me as. I liked the quiz bc it put me on a spectrum and i think it was pretty accurate! Email me at [no emails] if you know what that's called i guess.

  • I guess that is why I could always relate to masks and veils. Usually someone hides their true persona behind a mask or a veil, in order to protect secrets about others or oneself. Well, I guess I've been a bit of a mama's boy all right. Maybe we share much from hair (was born with plenty of soft good hair), cheekbones, facial structure, hands, and a petite feminine frame. I believe I got her musical and vocal talents, not to mention her poetic fire. I just got learning discernment from my father. Women also say I have the smoothest skin for a maie. When I listened to my late girlfriend and let my hair grow out people call me Miss. Maybe I should see what happens if I get a makeover. Male clothes have never fit me and my latest medications that I take. Oh I have a recessive blood disorder inherited from mom and dad; that makes my male clothes fit even more baggy. Male clothing never has fit me. i accidentally crossdressed in my sister's khakis that were in my room as my mother was handing out clothes. I knew they fit too well...they were a size six. People always tease me about the honeyed voice, my too perfect feminine manners-bullies have called me sissy. The women always complement me on my smooth almost flawless skin. They can't believe I'm above 20. I even get called Miss by everyone because of my stature, composure, and good hair. I'm tempted to go to a salon for a salon for a complete makeover...see what happens afterwards. Will a new persona blossom from behind the long hidden veil?

  • Your Result: Male Identified 85%

    You follow the male stereotype. The majority of male identified people are likely to be very similar to you. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    This is about right. I do dress closely to my birth gender as possible. However, I do paint my Nails. Which is considered Female by society. I love painting my Nails. It makes me, so happy when my Nails are painted.

  • I am as bout as NB as you can get. I got 94% nurtral, 39% both, 6% male, and 4% female.

  • Im queen as he'll love girly things I've mini skirts. Hi tights an love to suck cocktail it should called me Ronda but it said I was guy I think I'm girly I know I am

    Ronda girl
  • lol #4 and #5

    you're not a girl but you like cooking, makeup and jewerly? that means you're trans!!1

    very progressive.

    • Yeah the trans results were dumb.

  • this is really good. i got Both and im a transgender nonbinary male so this is good ^^ good job

  • I can go with this result. I am a happy Jenni at this time.

  • it's a gender spectrum quiz, think for a second....

    how is the second question you ask gonna be ''what gender do you have''???? first off I DONT KNOW. thatswhy I'm here. secondly are you aware there are more then 2 genders buddy. no thank you. your quiz is trash...

  • Your Result: Both 89%

    You follow both female and male stereotypes. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. This usually means you are fairly even with your femininity and masculinity or you switch between genders freely. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    48% Gender neutral
    43% Female Identified
    38% Male Identified
    I think that's exactly me :)

  • If Im gender neutral then I feel this is right

  • Im still lost on myself but at least this gives me a roughed out view on the fact I'm not insane that I feel more than just female :3

  • I couldn't answer Q #4 because I like cars to the same degree that I dislike the other items. For example, I love animals too much to enjoy hunting, and it's illegal to hunt down and shoot insensitive jerks who hurt others.

    Dan in Omaha
    • Just to be clear: that last line is tongue-in cheek. I don't actually think it'd be OK to shoot anyone, insensitive or not. It is frustrating, however, that they often get away with it, while the offended party is told that "don't let it get to you" crap.

      Dan in Omaha

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