do you hate people

Do you think or have people saying you hate people..?? well in this quiz you will actually see if you hate people because the queztions will make you really know

have you ever thought you hate people anywere in this world because i know you have and as soon as you take this quiz you will finslly understand if your a hater or a good person

Created by: isaiah brown
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever fliped someone off
  2. have you ever did a drive-by
  3. have you made a baby cry
  4. have u raped someone
  5. do you want revenge on someone
  6. have you had a dream of death
  7. what have you thought about the quiz
  8. have you cused out your parents
  9. have you laughed at someones death
  10. are you racist answer truthfully or your gay

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Quiz topic: Do I hate people