Desied beginnings

Okay that was the Prologue, maybe I should of mentioned that at the start. Sorry for any mistakes in there, i thought I got most of them. Also sorry that its not that long, I dont get alot of time to type. The next will also have more action in it. I know that moved pretty quickly, I tried to slow it now but didnt really work. Thanks for taking this and please comment!

Okay that was the Prologue, maybe I should of mentioned that at the start. Sorry for any mistakes in there, i thought I got most of them. Also sorry that its not that longm, I dont get alot of time to type. The next will also have more action in it. I know that moved pretty quickly, I tried to slow it now but didnt really work. Thanks for taking this and please comment

Created by: singin234
  1. I cling onto my pillow, squeezing it so tight; I think it might bust open. "Rena, you wake" A tiny voice squeals, I can hear the door slowly creaking open. I sigh opening my eyes, "yeah" I reply tiredly, rubbing my eyes. My little sister Alice hops up onto my bed, crawling under the covers and snuggling up close to me. I pull her close, listing to her breathing fast and her heart beat. That's racing so fast, but she hasn't been running so that means she's scared. "Do you want to talk about it," I ask her as she burries her head in my chest. "Mums still sleeping and Dad doesn't live here" I continue, it started on her seventh birthday last year. She stared seeing ghosts, well more like the dead and demon like people. She sees somehow how they die and what they have done, it's scary. Mum refuses to believe in such a thing and Dad is somewhere. He went missing just before Alice was born, I was only eight at the time and I couldn't understand why. My mother refuses to tell me why or what happened. All I remember is the sweet smell of caramel, the sound of glass shattering, the sight of blood and him walking out the door. His fists clenched together, his face frowning until he sees me. His faces turned sad, and then he looked away and kept walking. In that moment I knew, I knew he wasn't coming back. Now, he seems dead to me. Just in old memory, I felt nothing as he walked away. Only confusion. Nothing you do seems to please people in this world, sometimes even if you do what they say.
  2. "It's just so sad," Alice sobs "she did what they said but they still killed her children" Alice breaks down into tears unable to continue. I stroke her hair, hugging her tightly, my pillow behind me keeping my back warm. "People are horrible, dangerous, monsters really. That's why it's important to never leave the house without us" I tell her, turning it into a ramble. She lightly kicks me, "I know, I know. Don't have to say it twice" she cries. I smirk, she reminds me of myself. We don't like to talk about these kinds of things, that's why we try to avoid talking about it. "I am going to get ready, you should too. Or mum will start telling us "˜the speech' again" The speech is more like a ramble on about what to do and what not. Also the ghost seeing thing is nonsense, she says. Maybe she tricked her mother lot when she was younger. Really I don't know a lot of my family, only my mum and Alice. I don't have anyone in this world but Alice, but she is even too young to understand
  3. I sigh, pulling the covers off slowly. The warmth disappearing quickly as I move away from Alice. "Fine" She groggily says jumping out of bed and walking out. I look at the clothes that are on my bed, I don't remember putting them there. I walk over to my drawer, that is empty all that's left is my one hat that I found on the street. I'll ask mum what it's about later. Before dad left, he had already taken all of this stuff. Didn't leave a thing but a letter addressed to me, mother quickly burned it. I don't know why, she said it was nonsense to listen to him
  4. I sigh and pull on some jeans, "Rena" my mother static voice calls. I quickly chuck on more clothes and walk out into the kitchen where she is sitting beside her is a man and a woman. Both dressed in black, the man is slim and has dark green eyes. His black hair is neatly combed back, while the woman looks almost the same but with brown hair that is thick and pulled back into a low ponytail. They both look at me with straight faces, only meaning business. "Um yeah" I ask, deciding to ignore the cold stares they are giving me
  5. I notice they both have carried guns before. Who one of their shoulders is higher than the other, when something pulls down on your shoulder, the body tries to lift it up. Mother has her hands in her lap, they squeezed together. A brown bag is poking out from under her dress that she must have tried to hide. A smirk on her face, the same smirk she has when she wants something. . "Rena" Alice cries, running up to me and slipping her hand into mine. Suddenly I feel scared, does Alice know what's going on? I sure don't, and I don't think I want to. Normally this means something bad is going to happen. "We are glad to have you on board" the man speaks in a gruff voice; I look at my mother who has her think lips curled up into a wicked smile. Is she finally going to sell us for some money? That could explain the brown bag. I would try to run but I am pretty sure they have guns.
  6. We are taking you to your father" The woman tells me, understanding I had no clue of that going on. My jaw drops, Alice starts squeezing my hand tighter. Her pale lips trembling, I hate to say it but Alice looks a lot like our mother. Pale think lips that tremble when she is scared, her skin is fair as well. Her hair is a fair blond that is almost a white colour, it's thin and soft. It's pretty long her hair, just above her waist. We always have to cut it from falling into her eyes as well, since her fringe is like my and is on the side.
  7. Father" I repeat, just to make sure I didn't hear wrong. Do they work for him? Is that why they carry guns? A million questions start buzzing though my head, the only thing keeping me from passing out is Alice who squeezes my hand tighter. Mother nods, beside her are my black bags and Alice's blue ones. "He is dead" I say plainly, they all look shocked but mange to keep their cool. If we are seeing him of course he is alive right?
  8. That doesn't mean I want to see him. "No, he is very alive" Mother reassures me, though she says it like its true, there is some doubt in her eyes. What would she know anyway? She never cared; maybe that's why he left. I have no idea how she managed to get him or what kind of man he is. "He is to me" I tell them, a sickening feeling entering my belly. Maybe guilt? Yes, probably, ever since he left I have blamed myself. Or that I was want to see him again. I felt safe when I was in his arms but not anymore
  9. Too bad let's go. See you" Mother rushes to say, as they both us out the door. Alice crying, poor Alice, she should not have to go though this. I frown, my fists clench together. Then I look back, a sad expression taking over my face as I look at the spot I once stood when I watched my father go. To think about it, he had acted the same way when he walked out on us.
  10. Okay that was the Prologue, maybe I should of mentioned that at the start. Sorry for any mistakes in there, i thought I got most of them. Also sorry that its not that longm, I dont get alot of time to type. The next will also have more action in it. I know that moved pretty quickly, I tried to slow it now but didnt really work. Thanks for taking this and please comment

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