are u fit to date?

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Are u fit to date? If u are fit to date u are almost and maybe even perfect! This test will tell u that either your fit to date or your not! i was inspired to make this quiz by seeing others and thought i'd give it a try.

For many years some people have wondered if they are fit to date or not. And taking this quiz will help u find out! in just a few short minutes your questions will be answered.

Created by: Briana
  1. tell the truth, do u date people for their skin color?
  2. do u only date cute people? (tell the truth)
  3. if someone who was obese came up and asked u out what would u say?
  4. would u ever cheat on someone?
  5. if someone broke up with u for someone else would u reck there car?
  6. are u afraid to ask out the person u love?
  7. does the person u love no u agsist?
  8. are u attractive? (dont lie its just a quiz)
  9. have u told ur boyfriend or girlfriend u love them yet?
  10. have u ever been dumped or as some people call it, broke up with?

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