All about your friend Jeff

ummmm this quiz is about jeff lewis ummmm this quiz is about jeff lewis ummmm this quiz is about jeff lewis ummmm this quiz is about jeff lewis ummmm this quiz is about jeff lewis ummmm this quiz is about jeff lewis

he should be your friend! he should be your friend! he should be your friend! he should be your friend! he should be your friend! he should be your friend! he should be your friend!

Created by: Jeff

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of the after school program I work for?
  2. What is my middle name?
  3. What is my cats name?
  4. When is my brithday?
  5. Of the following friends, who have I know the longest?
  6. In what month is my first child going to be born?
  7. What is the sex of my child?
  8. What city was I born in?
  9. Which phrase best describes me?
  10. Which class have I never taken?
  11. What color and make is my car?
  12. Which of the following would I be least likely to say?
  13. What sport have I taken up most recently?
  14. What am I planning to major in?
  15. How do you even spell my name?
  16. Who is responsible for my cell phone service?
  17. If you had to guess, how much would you say I weigh?
  18. How tall am I, approx.?
  19. Where did I first work?
  20. What color are my eyes?
  21. What baseball team is my favorite?
  22. Of the following, which is NOT true about me?
  23. I have...

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Quiz topic: All about my friend Jeff