How Jeff McWeeney Are You

Ever meet Jeff McWeeney? Think you know him better than the next guy. It takes a master to know the ins and outs of McWeenisms. Test your skills to see how Jeff Saavy you really are.

McWeeny......Do you have one....have you seen one.,...wanna be one. Test your skills to see how Jeff McWeeney you really are. You may surprise yourself. Or you may just want to shoot yourself.

Created by: John Barone
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a "Bee-uh"
  2. What kind of dog do you frequently purchase then get rid of in a few weeks?
  3. How many jobs hove you had in the past 10 years
  4. Who is "El Presidente"?
  5. What's the best reason to do something
  6. Buzz is????
  7. Your feelings on Eric Weiss
  8. What is Sweat
  9. What's Ka-La
  10. Name one of Jeffs past companies

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Quiz topic: How Jeff McWeeney am I