Accurate Anti-Semitism Inventory | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Accurate Anti-Semitism Inventory.

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  • 11%, hooray.

  • Your quiz results
    You are 4% anti-Semitic! 4%

    Congratulations, you are not an anti-Semite. You are a good person who wants no Jew to suffer, unlike the majority of the world's population. Bear your badge with honor.

    OK, I think I've got enough information on my stance for today.

  • Update: I selected the "low optimal" answers to all but question #8. Here's my result this time.

    Your quiz results
    You are 0% anti-Semitic! 0%

    Congratulations, you are not an anti-Semite. You are a good person who wants no Jew to suffer, unlike the majority of the world's population. Bear your badge with honor.

    • Specifically, on question #8, I selected the "low leaning" answer.

  • Your quiz results
    You are 12% anti-Semitic! 12%

    Congratulations, you are not an anti-Semite. You are a good person who wants no Jew to suffer, unlike the majority of the world's population. Bear your badge with honor.

    Yay, still willing to question anything hes told. Boy, I really am better than (doing more or less for peace).

  • 11% here. Also, I have another Anti-Semitism qualification: you still think Putin has told the truth at least once in his life.

  • I certainly WILL continue to live the way I should.

    With absurdities, we must commit atrocities. - Voltaire

    • Your quiz results
      You are 0% anti-Semitic! 0%

      Congratulations, you are not an anti-Semite. You are a good person who wants no Jew to suffer, unlike the majority of the world's population. Bear your badge with honor.

      Update: just retook this quiz to be sure. Once again, I got this (type of) score. Im so glad I recognize that the Jews are the ones whove made perhaps the greatest of contributions to the human race, aside from maybe the Indians, the Aborigines and the Chinese. Its also really the Jews alone who were forced to stand by and watch as most Gentile nations, led by the Europeans, literally tried to destroy both the Earth and the Jews as well as those few Gentiles who even questioned this. We must remember that, after all, it was Voltaire who said that:

      QUOTE: Absurdities command atrocities. - END QUOTE

    • Update: retook a similar quiz to double check. Here is my result.

      You are a 2% Anti-Semite!  You exhibit little or no prejudices, and you often wonder what all the stink is about the Jews, anyway. Why can't people just let other people practice their beliefs in peace? You respect the Jewish people, and you wish others would let go of their medieval-sounding superstitions.

      You are an open-minded person.Are You An Anti-Semite?Take More Quizzes

  • i am Jewish i don't think this quiz was about antisemitism. it was about Zionism. They are two different things unless you are hateful and want to label anyone who criticizes Zionism as antisemitic.


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