Accurate Anti-Semitism Inventory

There are trillions of anti-Semites in the world. They parade around not believing what they do is wrong, and disparage the State of Israel every chance they get.

Are YOU an anti-Semite? The Accurate Anti-Semitism Inventory will figure out if you're a healthy human being and support the policies of Israel, or if you're Hitler himself and want the Jews to burn.

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You think Israel is receiving enough benefits from the United States, and would be reluctant towards offering additional ones.
  2. You believe Islam is a religion that can coexist with civilized society in the Middle East and elsewhere.
  3. You think all Jews carry a pouch of gold around their necks at all times.
  4. The Lebanon Invasion of 1978 was which entity's fault?
  5. What is Gaza?
  6. What do Jews do in their spare time?
  7. OK, Qu'ran versus the Torah. Which one is correct?
  8. Israel is threatened from all directions and should use whatever force necessary to ensure their continued existence.
  9. The Nobel Peace Price is inherently anti-Semitic.
  10. Zionism is the correct ideology and entirely compatible with 21st century politics.

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