WoF Love Story at JMA (all genders welcome!)

Hello! I am Shineseer! This is my first quiz, please do not post any hateful comments if you don't get the result you wanted. There will be a part two of this. You can get seven different dragons. I also forgot to put a "Nobody" result, sorry!

You are going to role-play as a bi-gender SkyWing named Topaz with orange-y-yellow scales. They like both boys and girls. If you are not OK with that, please leave now. All of these dragons are my OCs, please do not steal any of them. Shineseer out!

Created by: Shineseer
  1. Please check the paragraphs above in case you haven't already; you will need the background of your character.
  2. You are flying to JMA, and you see a flash of green pass below you. What do you do?
  3. You ignore it and keep flying. When you arrive, Fatespeaker hands you your scroll marking your cave and listing your clawmates. It says, "Opal Winglet: Locust the HiveWing, Topaz the SkyWing, Shineseer the NightWing, Scorch the Sand/SkyWing Hybrid, Python the RainWing, Aspen the LeafWing, Seagull the SeaWing." What is your reaction?
  4. As you walk toward your cave, you hear the sounds of a scuffle. You turn the next bend and see a male NightWing trying to claw a female HiveWing. What do you do?
  5. After the fight finishes, you find your cave and see three beds: a hammock, a stone ledge, and a pile of rain forest leaves and mosses. In the hammock, you see a flash of purple and lime green. "Hi! I'm Python! What's your name?" the RainWing asks excitedly. How do you respond?
  6. You settle down on the stone ledge and dream about...
  7. When you wake, Python is dancing in front of you(she doesn't care if you yelled at her) saying, "Come on, come on! It's time for our first class!" "What class?" you ask sleepily. Which class do you hope you're going to?
  8. You arrive at the history cave and see a female NightWing with a silver and onyx hornband, a dark red SkyWing-SandWing hybrid, and a pale blue SeaWing. More dragons are coming down the hall.
  9. You sit down as more dragons arrive in the history cave. After class, the SeaWing approaches you. "Hi, I'm Seagull. I just saw you in the history cave, and I was wondering if you wanted to come to the prey center with me?"
  10. You end up going to the prey center with Seagull anyway. When you enter, you see a LeafWing, two NightWings, the HiveWing from the fight, the hybrid, and Python. Who do you sit by?
  11. Now, I'm sorry, but I am leaving off on a cliffhanger. I WILL make a part two, you can count on it!

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