who are you in the obesity diaries (jess)

do the quiz or get shanked, your choice. Actually its not your choice bevause if youre here i have definitely forced you into taking this quiz i shoulc proably stop acting as if this was voluntary

hah i cant believe you smell this bad honestly go and have a wash you detty pig you detty detty detty skank honesrly im just trying to fill in the amount of words needed ok Ive done it now

Created by: milfredhiatt
  1. What is your food of choice
  2. What is your opinion on pets
  3. hobbies
  4. what job do you want of these
  5. who are you most likely to hang out with
  6. Are you...
  7. fav of these colours
  8. what would you wear to a party
  9. what do you rate yourself out of ten
  10. how would you react to someone hitting on you

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the obesity diaries (jess)
