Which season are you?

This quiz will help you find out which season you actually love the most. There is no right or wrong answer, this are based your own opinions. Whatever you prefer or like will be put together to figure out your favourite season!

Also, please understand that this is my first quiz that I wrote, so it might not be the best. But I hope you will enjoy it! I also had no idea what type of quiz should I write, so this is just completely random!

Created by: Adriana
  1. What type of weather do you like the most?
  2. What type of clothes are you more in to?
  3. Which drink do you prefer?
  4. What holiday do you like the most?
  5. Which month is your favourite?
  6. Which month is your favourite? (2)
  7. What do you really like to do?
  8. What songs do you prefer?
  9. What type of sweet do you prefer?
  10. What type of shoes do you prefer to wear?

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Quiz topic: Which season am I?
