Which Band of Brothers character are you?

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Assume that you are a young lad in 40s… you’ve been enlisted and now you are a private in an allies army. Answers the questions that are true for you and see which Band of Brothers character are you!

(This quiz is for fun, to whom are enjoyed BoB as mush as me. My main language is not English, so there may be mistakes in my language use, please welcome with understanding.) Have fun!

Created by: Rey
  1. How did you learn that the war is started?
  2. What were you doing when you learned that?
  3. Which division do you belong to?
  4. Would you complain about the annoying officers and the miserable military conditions?
  5. How do you known in your platoon?
  6. Which one do you specialize in?
  7. How often do you write letters to your family?
  8. What is your most precious trophy?
  9. How do you fight psychological warfare?
  10. What will you do when the war is over?

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Quiz topic: Which Band of Brothers character am I?
