What should your baby's name be? (Girls name A edition)

Whether you're expecting a baby, are thinking about making one or just want to take this quiz for fun, this quiz will give accurate results based on just 10 questions.

There are 6 answers you can get: Abigail, Adrianne, Aimee, Alba, Alicia and Amelie, but which one will you get? (Credit to babynames.com for all the information about each name!)

Created by: xx_Rue11_xx
  1. How many syllables would you like the name to have?
  2. How many letters would you like the name to have?
  3. What would you like the name to mean?
  4. What origin would you like for the name?
  5. Would you like a name that is able to be shortened?
  6. Would you like a name which has alternative spellings?
  7. Which name out of these do you like the most?
  8. Would you like a name which is ranked on the Baby Names Popularity Chart?
  9. Which year would you like your baby name to have peaked in popularity? (if the exact year isn't on there just pick the closest)
  10. Which of these boy's names do you like the most?

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Quiz topic: What should Ir baby's name be? (Girls name A edition)
