What Political Party are you? we can guess!

What is your party? we can guess! Are you a conservative republican, a righteous democrat, or a proud green? from Mitch McConell to Jim O'Connor to Donald Trump to Noah McCullough, the Republicans are armed to the teeth!

and the democrats core of Kamala Harris, Keston Tarcomed, Hillary Clinton, Tom Perez, and Joe Biden, are ready to fight them off. It is quite the battle, and you, with the rest of the american people, are trapped in the middle. At least lets know who we are supporting. Lets go!

Created by: Keston Tarcomed
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What do you think of Donald Trump?
  3. Who should be the new president?
  4. Do you watch sports?
  5. If you had one wish, what would it be?
  6. What do you think of climate change
  7. Who did you vote for in 2016
  8. Witch is your favorite ice cream flavor of these two?
  9. What would you name your baby if you had to choose one of these?
  10. Who is your favorite new political up-and-comer?

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Quiz topic: What Political Party am I? we can guess!
