What elemental wolf are you?

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You get to see what wolf you are whatever wolf you get is equally amazing. So,if you want to see, come here and find out what mythical wolf you are. :3

What wolf are you? Find out here and get an answer! Whatever you get is still really good, so see what happens when you take this quiz! Hope you are happy once you find out!

Created by: Cat food
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What would your wolf name be?
  3. What rank are you?
  4. What will you name your clan
  5. When you die and become a spirit, what do yo do?
  6. If your friend took your mate what would you do?
  7. If you got a mate what would you do?
  8. What is your main personality?
  9. What type of person are you?
  10. What's your favorite animal?

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Quiz topic: What elemental wolf am I?
