What Dream SMP Traitor would you be?

Hi... I'm in school and bored so this happened... Also I need more characters so enjoy he talking about random minecrafters until I hit the character limit

I recently started to watch Philza. The first person I watched was TommyInnit. I'm actually a lot like Eret in real life. Back to the Quiz... You can get Eret, Techno or Wilbur. Have fun!

Created by: TheEret
  1. What is your favorite group?
  2. What is your favorite line out of these?
  3. Which one of these would you preferer?
  4. Where would your betrayal take place?
  5. Have you betrayed people more than once?
  6. Do you regret betraying people?
  7. Who were your friends/family before your betrayal?
  8. Pick a line of words.
  9. I need more questions so these last couple questions wont effect your answer. What is your favorite quote?
  10. Last one! Pick a random word

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