What animal are you?

This quiz tells you if you are a 🐐, 🐏, 🐂, 🦌, 🐈, 🦅, 🦁, 🐉, 🐟, or a 🐎. So come find out what animal you are and the personality traits for it (if anything’s wrong about this quiz don’t blame me I’m only 10)

Make sure to go sub to @stopmotionmel on YT and like every single vid unless you already have in that case you’re awesome! Btw hit that bell 🔔 sry idk wut else to write lol

Created by: Melody
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. If you were to choose one thing that would go on for your entire life it would be…
  3. Ask your friends “if I wasn’t a human what animal would I be?” Do they say you are a…
  4. What is your zodiac sign?
  5. On the best day of your life you would…
  6. Why are you here?
  7. Do you want to leave?
  8. How old are you?
  9. What’s your favorite video game?
  10. Is this quiz over?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
