Violet Pincus's Profile

Violet Pincus
Joined on Feb 10, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Violet Pincus's Recent Posts
"It goes bang, bang, bang, gagagagag, boom"
"Gold shrugged. "In Las Nevadas and El Rapids, xey always stayed in the palace, closest to Quackity. But in Kinoko, I have no clue. Xey could..."
"Gold nodded. "I wanna talk to Lem as soon as I can, but I don't feel like taking the risk of monsters tonight." Hr chewed nervously on his l..."
"Violet has revived in my personal roleplays. So has JW:CC."
"Oh my. This is terrifying!!!!!!"
"Sexuality: Pansexual"
"Yes, but what if the child hurts themself with the knife??"
"*Hugs June back* Thank you!! That's what someone else told me but I was like, "Nahh. I'ma stick with my plan of hiding it 'caus"
""See? Bad, stop being a sad muffin and be happy. You deserve to smile!" Gold said, laughing. "And I'm covered in soot." He said, pulling awa..."
"Why are you giving children knives??"
"Low key crying. Depression is setting in ...................... now."
"No.......... They make LGBTQ+ slurs all the time and I'm a part of the LGBTQ community. I'm scared to say anything about me bei"
""See? Bad, people are here for you! We care about you, Skeppy and I. You can restart here. The past doesn't matter. Just focus on changing y..."
""Gold has often said things about him and his friend, Dingoe, and their roles as Chaos Gods. Maybe this has something to do with them?" Lemo..."
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