SteampunkLeo's Profile


Joined on Sep 19, 2016
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
7-Year Club
100 Quiz
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SteampunkLeo's Quizzes

  • Are you alive or dead
    [published: Sep 26, 2016]

    Are you alive or dead take the quiz to find out if you are good go have fun be alive if dead go away to……

  • Which one is better
    [published: Sep 25, 2016]

    This is a useless quiz just to get me promoted. Go do something else. Find a new quiz, look up a new song,……

  • How well do you know me
    [published: Sep 20, 2016, 4 comments]

    Only a few people know me do you or not. Do know me a little or a lot. Take this quiz to find out if we……

SteampunkLeo's Recent Posts

  • hi
  • I'm back
    "I just got on"
  • The elements
  • Gravity rising
    "William still did not notice."
  • Gravity rising
  • The elements
    "Austin jumped when Jack touched him but quickly steadied himself, he turned and said,"Really?""
  • The elements
    ""Not that I know of""
  • The elements
    ""Like what", Austin asked."
  • Gravity rising
  • The elements
  • Gravity rising
    "William, unaware of what was happened, kept reading."
  • Gravity rising
    "William leaned against a tree pulled out his water proof bag and pulled a book out of that and started reading."
  • Gravity rising
    "William finally walked onto the island with a dumb smile on his face being proud he could swim that far."
  • Gravity rising
    "After a few minutes of swimming William swam back to the surface to find he was halfway to the island."
  • Gravity rising
    "William dove in the lake going as fast as he could and when he pooped his head out of the water again he couldn't reach the bottom and decid..."

SteampunkLeo's Recent Quiz Comments

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