darkwolf2's Profile

Joined on Jan 5, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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darkwolf2's Recent Posts
"Shade closed her eyes Seth kissed her cheek"
"Nightmare looked at Vincent."
"Nightmare looked at herself."
"Nightmare made sure that the bandages stayed."
"Nightmare began to wrap a bandage around him to keep the stitches in place."
"Shade nuzzled him Seth ran a hand through her hair"
"Nightmare went back to stitching up his scars, being careful doing it."
"Nightmare kissed his cheek. "i will try to be careful..." Nightmare whispered in his air"
"Shade purred Seth smiled"
"Nightmare began to stitch up his scars."
"Nightmare kept singing."
"Shade smiled Seth rubbed her back"
"Nightmare held him while singing softly in his ear."
"Shade smirked Seth kissed her head"
"Nightmare frowns in concern before going to touch him."
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