Poll: Do I look like gom? …

Long Description of Sighting Report We had had a snow storm and I was home from work. About 1530 to 1600 hours I was washing dishes and observed a very bright orange "star" through the kitchen window,in the east, apparently over Lake Michigan. I observed that it did not change position for almost three hours, and became curious. After dinner and a trip the the store, I noticed that it had just disappeared. I went out to shovel the snow about 2000 hours. It was very still outside and I was prompted to look overhead, at which time I saw this huge black triangular craft traveling east to west, very slowly, perhaps 50 miles per hour. It had colored lights at various places. It appeared to be about the size of a football field, and only about 500- to 1000-feet off the ground, but made almost no sound. The sound it did make was akin to a jet airliner at about 15,000 to 20,000 feet. After about 10 seconds, it disappeared into some passing clouds. I was so taken by surprise at what I had seen, I did not know what to think of the whole thing. It was as though I was being conditioned not to think about it, because it was several days before I started to question what I had seen. I understand that there are triangular craft being flown from various airfields around the world in recent years, but this was 35 years ago and we didn't have anything like this at that time.

Do I look like gom?

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by imafancyslag

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