Personality Test!

This quiz is a ten question quiz that will test your personality, so you can see where you really are. 100% being the best, 0 being the worst, but it's put more lightly than that!

When thinking about how we really are handling people in our community, we seem to think that we do better than everyone else, or maybe we can be a little antisocial. Guess what? You're HUMAN! Congrats! Take this quiz to find out where you are in your social graces, and hopefully this test will lead you on the right path to a helpful attitude.

Created by: J-Katz
  1. Your friend asks you to come to the mall with her even though you wanna stay home all day. You:
  2. Your mom tells you that you're grounded for something your younger sibling did. You:
  3. Your dad is singing an 80s' song loudly in the kitchen...WHILE your friends are there, too! Embarrassing! You:
  4. You get a C- on a test that you studied for 3 hours on, and your best friend(who never even studied!)got an A. You:
  5. You brought home bronze in a soccer competition but you scored two goals for your team. You:
  6. There's a slice of cake in the fridge that you asked for, but your younger sister eats it anyways! You:
  7. You get detention for playing a prank that your friend was involved in too, but you don't wanna rat her out. But she's getting off scot-free! You:
  8. Your sister dropped your phone in a mud puddle "by accident," and Mom blames you for not being careful. You:
  9. Your Mom finished a show that you both were watching together--without you! You:
  10. Your friend is cheating on a test and offers to help you do the same. You:

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