Personality and name for Clan cats(she-cats only)

Hi! I made this quiz using a long time, so hope you like it! Only warrior cats fans will know about this, but if you don't, you can still play this! :)

Take this quiz and figure out your name and personality in the Clans! Medicane cat or warrior... Some of these cats came from the real warrior cats books lol

Created by: Potato
  1. A rogue entered your territory. What would you do?
  2. You see your mate about to be killed, your leader pinned on his last life, and kit being attacked. Which will you save first?
  3. Your friend has been stealing prey from another Clan as your Clan is hungry. What will you do?
  4. You are having kits! How would you react?
  5. You fall in love with a cat from another Clan. What would you do?
  6. What is your pelt and eyes colour?
  7. Which Clan? No WindClan, sorry
  8. What weather do you like?
  9. What prey do you like?
  10. If a cat leaps at you, what do you do?

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