How hungry are you now?

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So, how hungry are you? You may think you know but, do you? Do this quiz to find out! May not be so accurate! This is my second quiz and this quiz is just for fun so please DON'T take it seriously

Being hungry is normal, but I think it is strange that once people eat, wait for like 1 hour, they start to eat again! I am personally guilty for this one! So lets see if you are that person!

Created by: Anonymouse
  1. How is your tummy?
  3. Since when have you last eaten
  4. How is this quiz?
  5. what did you eat last time?
  6. what are you thinking?
  7. are you eating now?
  8. I am running out of questions!
  9. what question will you write?
  10. Substitutex=cos\alp,\alp∈[0:;π]\displaystyle Then\; |x+\sqrt{1-x^2}|=\sqrt{2}(2x^2-1)\Leftright |cos\alp +sin\alp |=\sqrt{2}(2cos^2\alp -1)Then∣x+ 1−x 2 ∣= 2 (2x 2 −1)\Leftright∣cos\alp+sin\alp∣= 2 (2cos 2 \alp−1)\displaystyle |\N {\sqrt{2}}cos(\alp-\frac{\pi}{4})|=\N {\sqrt{2}}cos(2\alp )\Right \alp\in[0\: ;\: \frac{\pi}{4}]\cup [\frac{3\pi}{4}\: ;\: \pi]∣N 2 cos(\alp− 4π )∣=N 2 cos(2\alp)\Right\alp∈[0; 4π ]∪[ 43π ;π]1) \displaystyle \alp \in [0\: ;\: \frac{\pi}{4}]\alp∈[0; 4π ]\displaystyle cos(\alp -\frac{\pi}{4})=cos(2\alp )\dotscos(\alp− 4π )=cos(2\alp)…2. \displaystyle \alp\in [\frac{3\pi}{4}\: ;\: \pi]\alp∈[ 43π ;π]\displaystyle -cos(\alp -\frac{\pi}{4})=cos(2\alp )\dots−cos(\alp− 4π )=cos(2\alp)…
  11. we are almost done!
  12. DONE!

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Quiz topic: How hungry am I now?
